Legal Tips and Resources
If you are enjoying a nice meal with your family at a local restaurant, you likely are not concerning yourself with the safety of the building. Instead, you want to look over the menu and choose what you want to eat. However, accidents can happen anywhere, and it is not uncommon for personal injuries to happen at a restaurant in the dining area or the kitchen. If you recently sustained a personal injury while out to a restaurant, contact personal injury attorneys today. You should be able to go out to eat without worrying about accidents happening. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence and it can leave you in the hospital with serious injuries. To see how they can help you after a restaurant injury, call a law office.
Who is liable for your personal injuries?
This will depend on how the accident occurred and why. Just because you were injured at a restaurant does not mean it is the manager or building owner’s fault. However, there are certain circumstances you should look out for if you were recently injured at a restaurant. Personal injury attorneys can go over the details of your claim to help narrow down who may be at fault.
What should the restaurant do?
The restaurant owes it to its employees and patrons to maintain a safe environment. In the kitchen, this means following standard safety protocols, operating machines that are up-to-date with their safety inspections, and creating a safe work environment. For the dining area, the manager and employees should ensure it is safe for their patrons. This means leaks should be taken care of promptly, broken floorboards should be fixed or replaced, and lights that no longer work should be replaced quickly.
What kind of hazards might cause an accident at a restaurant?
There are many hazards to look out for when you are at a restaurant.
- Poor Lighting. If the lighting is poor, you may not be able to see steps, dangerous areas of the restaurant, or falling hazards.
- Spills. Particularly in restaurants, spills are a common occurrence and if the staff does not clean them up in enough time or put warning signs out then a serious slip and fall accident can occur.
- Food Poisoning. If you were made ill because the food was not cooked to standard safety regulations (like poultry, beef, or fish), then you may have grounds for a personal injury claim.
Who should I make the claim against?
If you believe that the restaurant is to blame for your injury and you did not get into an accident because of your own doing, you can pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the person who owns the restaurant if you and your attorney decide that negligence came into play. For more information on how a personal injury attorney in Bristol, TN can help you with your personal injury suit after you were in an accident at a restaurant, please call a law firm as soon as possible.
Thanks to The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt for their insight into personal injury claims and restaurant liability.