Filing Your Lawsuit

Sometimes the only consolation you have after getting injured at the hands of another is that the responsible party has to compensate you for your injuries. Working with a lawyer, you can create a case and file a lawsuit against that party so the compensation process can begin. When do you need to start? Is there a time period during which you have to file?

The Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury

Any time you are injured, the clock starts ticking for the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. Different types of cases have different limitations, so you need to make sure you have the right information for personal injuries. These limitations also vary by state, so it’s imperative that you have the right information for the state in which you live, or you could end up with no compensation at all.

For example, if you live in and are injured in Alabama, the statute of limitations is two years, which is a significant amount of time to pull your case together and get the lawsuit filed. If you previously lived in Florida and know that the statute in Florida is four years, you could take too much time to get your case together. If you wait three and a half years to file your lawsuit in Alabama, thinking you had the same amount of time that you had in Florida, you could forfeit the opportunity to receive compensation.

Tips to File on Time

If you wish to file on time, then there are some tips you’ll want to consider. They include:

  • Securing a lawyer as soon as possible: It’s never too early to contact a lawyer to assist with your case. As soon as you are injured, call your personal injury lawyer so he or she can start investigating the situation.
  • Understanding the law: If you don’t understand the statute of limitations and other laws you need to abide by, you might not have that urgency to file your lawsuit on time. Seek to understand all that you should so you realize how important it is to get moving.
  • Collect and safely keep evidence: You shouldn’t dismiss any evidence that proves your case, or it could take too long to dig it up again. Keep evidence of the accident, medical records, and anything else that could help your lawyer make your case.

Contact a Lawyer

Every personal injury case is unique, so yours might take a longer or shorter period of time than another. In any case, it’s important to get started right away so you are able to receive the compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer such as Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, Attorneys at Lawto get the process started.

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