The Different Types of Alimony

Alimony or spousal support are payments made from one spouse to another in order to help the lesser earning person maintain the lifestyle they enjoyed prior to the divorce. Although the end of a marriage may be necessary, it can also be incredibly scary if you are financially dependent upon your soon to be ex. Knowing how you will manage such a situation can leave you unsure of where to turn. A divorce lawyer can help you face the process of determining how much alimony you will require in the years ahead. When considering the type of alimony that may work best for your situation, a lawyer can guide you towards making the best possible decision based on your needs. 

Permanent Alimony

While in most cases alimony is more temporary, some circumstances may warrant the need for permanent alimony. This type of alimony may be needed if one spouse has a disability that requires ongoing care and assistance, impacting their ability to earn a living. Other reasons for permanent alimony may situations where one spouse has stayed at home and away from the workforce. Permanent alimony usually continues unless one spouse passes away or remarries. 

Rehabilitative Alimony

For some, filing for divorce means a significant change in life circumstances. If you were the lesser paying spouse, or did not work during the marriage, you may require time to obtain a better paying job, or training in order to obtain a job. This can be especially beneficial as it can allow a spouse the time they need to become more self-sufficient. In situations involving rehabilitative alimony you can expect to check-in regarding progress. However, there can be a number of variations to this type of agreement, especially if there are children involved that you are the primary caretaker for. 

Separation Alimony

During the divorce process, the lesser earning spouse may not have the ability to support themselves. Separation alimony may be necessary for a temporary period of time until the divorce is finalized. This may then allow for another type of alimony to be paid to the recipient. 

Reasons for a Divorce Lawyer

Negotiating a divorce and subsequent alimony payments may certainly require the assistance of a divorce lawyer. With so much riding on your future, it’s imperative that you access the skills of an experienced divorce lawyer in your area. They can provide you with: 

  • Reviewing financials and calculating alimony payments
  • Negotiating with your ex’s legal team
  • Representing your case in court
  • Gathering evidence needed to support your case
  • Helping you understand each aspect to divorce proceedings

There are a number of options that may lie before you. However, divorce negotiations can be incredibly stressful, especially when you are seeking alimony or spousal support. While some divorcing couples may have the ability to reach amicable agreements, divorce can have the makings of an emotionally fueled and contentious situation.