If you are involved in an automotive insurance company, you may need the help of your insurance company to repair your vehicle and pay your medical bills. However, your conversations with your insurance company might be strategies. And you must avoid saying any of the following. Have it in mind that you and your insurance company have different objectives. Your objective is to receive the maximum amount of compensation available for your claim while the insurance company is trying as much as possible to close the case.
Don’t Say It Was Your Fault
Avoid admitting fault for the accident. When you do describe the accident, do so in a matter of fact manner without adding any evaluations to the mix. The insurance companies can work it out amongst themselves to find fault for the accident. You may be aware of some factors involved, such as a distracted driver, faulty vehicle, or a traffic sign that is difficult to see. Even if you’re at fault, the other driver may have contributed to the incident may also be at fault. Avoid admitting fault in front of your insurance company, law enforcement, or the other driver, as any statement can be used against you.
Avoid Saying That You Aren’t Injured
Avoid making any declarations, whether or not you are sure of what happened. While a few injuries are readily apparent, many aren’t. You may not know you’re suffering from serious injury. Bruises and other signs of injury can also take time to manifest. If you experience pain, you should get checked by your healthcare provider. Don’t sign any medical release from the insurance company unless your attorney has advised you to do so.
Avoid Making an Official Statement
Don’t give any official statement unless your attorney advised you to do so. You are not under a duty to have your statement recorded. What you say may be used against you or taken out of context by the insurance company until it is manipulated to serve their objective.
Avoid Saying, “I Think”
If you don’t know what to say or a factual answer to provide, it’s better to say, “I don’t know.” Avoid estimating or giving an opine answer. This may also apply to the speed you’re driving. Try as much as possible to avoid making estimates.
Do Not Accept an Offer
Often the initial settlements that may be offered from insurance companies are low ball offers. While you are losing wages while off work and have mounting medical payments, keep away from accepting a settlement offer that doesn’t compensate you for the accident. Before you can accept any settlement for your insurance company, try to consult with a lawyer, like a personal injury lawyer from Royce Injury Attorneys, so that he or she can recommend the steps you should take next.
Don’t Mention a Lack of a Lawyer
If you keep the services of a professional personal injury attorney involved, the insurance company will give your claim greeter respect and attention. A professional personal injury attorney frequently has more knowledge and experience than a layperson in laws regulating insurance companies and in estimating the true cost of a claim so that present and future damages are taken into consideration. In addition to the loss of wages while you have been recovering, asset damages may also include loss of future earning potential.