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Brain injuries are often severe and can have a detrimental impact on a person’s life. While some will heal with time and rest, others are permanent. Each year, nearly 1.7 million Americans are diagnosed with a brain injury. Approximately 260,000 will require hospitalization and at least 50,000 will tragically lose their lives. Unfortunately, around half of brain injury victims suffered the harm because of another person’s negligent actions. 

The term ‘negligence’ is broad and is commonly used in personal injury cases. In general, when a wrongful action, or a lack of action, was made on the part of an individual or entity, it may constitute negligence. Medical malpractice can be the result of negligence. If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury and you believe it happened because of negligence, you should ask a medical malpractice lawyer to review your case. 

How A Brain Injury Can Be the Result of Negligence

As a medical malpractice lawyer, we know of many cases that have involved negligence leading to a brain injury. This negligence may have occurred from:

A Birth Injury – It is the duty of an OB/Gyn and medical professionals to monitor the mother and her unborn child during the pregnancy. Tests should be ordered on time, diagnosis should be made, and any necessary treatment should be provided. Furthermore, during the labor and delivery process, the right procedures should be performed. At anytime during the mother’s pregnancy or the birth of the child, if a poor decision is made, it could result in a birth injury. These injuries can occur in a number of ways, and one of them is brain damage. 

Failure to Diagnoses – If the head suffers a hard blow, it could result in a head injury and damage to the brain. Certain workers, such as construction workers, sports players, active children, and those who engage in high risk behaviors may be especially prone to head injuries. Not only is it important to be checked out after suffering any blow to the head, but it is also important that the doctor orders the right tests, such as a CT scan, to ensure there is no bleeding on the brain or serious trauma. If any head injury goes undiagnosed, the outcome could be catastrophic, if not deadly. 

Being Given the Wrong Prescription – There are many different types of medications. One could help a person to feel better, but the wrong prescription could lead to disastrous effects. Although a less common type of medical malpractice, it is possible for a person to be given the wrong medication and suffer from brain damage as a result. 

Operation Errors – Any operation is considered to be a serious procedure that must be carefully overseen by medical staff. In the event of a person receiving a lack of oxygen during the procedure, too much anesthesia, or developing a fever or infection, permanent brain damage may result. 

If An Avoidable Mistake Caused You to Develop Brain Damage, Call a Lawyer

You might feel confused and upset about what happened. Rest assured a medical malpractice attorney can support you and help you to understand what options may be available. Give a law firm call today. 

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