If you are considering planning out how your pet will be cared for after you pass, you have many different options. You should make a list of which friends or pet businesses you would trust to take care of your pet, and then call to check pricing and if the other party will be able to take in your pet. This is the least expensive way to take care of your pet after you pass. However, if you would rather have a legally binding document that ensures your pet will be taken care of, a pet trust is your best bet. You can leave your pet to a caretaker, leave money for your pet to be taken care of with, leave special instructions (on how to feed, take care of, and bury your pet when they pass) and many other things. Pet trusts will create a legal obligation for whomever you appoint to care for the pet in the way that you describe and will ensure accountability on the caretaker’s part so that the money you leave behind for the pet will not be abused. Also, a pet trust will help you create a plan that will immediately take effect in the event you are incapacitated and unable to make decisions. However, pet trusts are very expensive and not flexible if anything changes after you pass. They are also not very necessary unless you do not trust the caretaker you would leave your pet to.
If you do not have anyone you would trust your pet with, you can always leave your pet to your local SPCA, veterinary school participants, or private animal sanctuaries that uphold the promise to care of your pet. If you completely trust your caregiver and they are willing and able to take care of your pet after you pass, you can just tell your estate planning attorney or executor who you want to watch your pet and do not need to have it in writing in a pet trust. As long as all of the individuals that are involved are in agreement, there should be no problem in having a home and caretaker for your pet after you die.
Contact an Attorney
If you do not have anyone to care for your pet after you pass, consider contacting an estate planning attorney such as the estate planning attorney Scottsdale AZ to figure out what you can legally do about this. They may be able to suggest businesses that can care for your pet.
Thanks to authors at Arizona Estate Planning Attorneys for their insight into Estate Planning.