Questions to Ask When Choosing a Divorce Attorney

The transition from married life to single life features a host of emotional, physical, practical and legal hurdles. As a result, it is important for individuals navigating the divorce process to seek out support in a variety of ways. Interpersonal support may be found in loved ones, counseling, group settings and online forums. Physical and practical support may be accessed according to specific needs that may arise at any given time. And necessary legal support is provided by experienced family law attorneys.

In most areas of the country, there are many family law firms to choose from. So, how does an individual who is currently seeking a divorce choose the right attorney for him or her? The answer to that question tends to depend upon both circumstance and personal preferences. Once you have contemplated the kind of divorce process you would prefer and think about your specific goals for your attorney-client relationship, you will be in a better position to figure out which individual attorney (or firm) will serve your needs best.

Types of Divorce

Some attorneys specialize in certain kinds of divorce. In general, there are four major approaches to the divorce process. The first is uncontested and straightforward. This approach tends to work well for couples who have been together a short period of time, have few assets and do not have children. The second is a traditional, contested process that is carried out (in significant part) in a courtroom setting. This approach works best for couples who cannot work out their fundamental differences related to property and/or child custody without judicial intervention.

The final two kinds of divorce involve mediation or attorney-led negotiations. These approaches work best for couples who would prefer to avoid court and are relatively willing to compromise on the issues that need to be addressed before their divorce can be finalized. Once you know which approach you prefer to pursue, you will be able to ask any attorneys you schedule consultations with about their representation style and approach to the type of divorce you intend to pursue.

Attorney-Client Relationship Considerations

It is important to think about your needs and personal style when interviewing attorneys. Perhaps you like to ask questions often and remain in consistent contact with your attorney. Or perhaps you trust your attorney to handle your case in ways that don’t require much communication. These kinds of preferences matter, as they will impact whether a certain lawyer’s style will or will not fit your needs. Please keep your preferences in mind as you look for a divorce attorney.

Seeking Alternative Representation

No matter which divorce attorney candidate you choose, understand that it is important to seek continuous legal guidance and support at this time. If you are not receiving what you need from the lawyer you choose, you may benefit from seeking a second opinion. If you do not have many assets and have no minor children, the transition from married life to single life may not be as legally significant as it might otherwise be. But if your financial situation and/or custody of your children will be substantially impacted by your divorce, it is critically important to secure the assistance of a divorce lawyer Tampa, FL divorcees can trust. If the lawyer you choose is not living up to expectations, it is okay to seek out alternative representation.

Thanks to The McKinney Law Group for their insight into family law and what to look for when choosing a divorce attorney.