When you are injured on the job, you likely have a lot of questions about how to receive compensation. Who do I speak to? What are my manager’s responsibilities? Do I need a lawyer? These might be only a few of the questions you have, as well as those connected to workers’ compensation forms. Before you sign any paperwork, there are a few tips you may want to keep in mind to ensure you maintain your rights and receive the proper benefits.

  1. Ask Questions 

Once you notify your employer of your injury, he or she will probably have you start the filing process right away. You may be supplied forms and be asked to fill them out to the best of your ability. If you have questions during this phase of the claim, it is wise to ask them right away. For example, if there is a phrase or clause contained within the paperwork and you do not understand its definition, ask for one before you sign the paper because you may be agreeing to waive certain rights that could affect your settlement.

  1. Collect All Necessary Forms 

While you might receive an incident report from your employer, this is not the only form you may need to complete to earn workers’ compensation. You may have to ask for other documents that include those for your doctor to sign, insurance forms and those that inform you of your rights and responsibilities as the injured party. It is a good idea to speak with the workers’ compensation representative at your workplace before turning in your papers to ensure you have not omitted any important forms.

  1. Know What Not to Sign  

You may be asked to sign a variety of forms during the course of your claim; however, not all may be to your benefit. Before you sign any papers, it is wise to read them over in the presence of your lawyer because some forms, such as final receipt and supplemental agreements, may affect your benefits and reduce or terminate them before you are completely healed from your injury.

  1. Be Transparent About Your Intentions 

If you are unsure about signing a particular document, be forthcoming about the reasons. Whether the wording is unclear, you stand to lose benefits or you are still seeing a doctor for your injury, be honest and let your employer know that you will need clarification before you sign all the required papers.

Workers’ compensation forms are often mazes of information that can be difficult to translate. Call a personal injury lawyer in Milwaukee, WI today for assistance and for more information about how to file these forms and protect yourself as you heal.

Thanks to Hickey & Turim, SC for their insight into workers compensation and signing forms.

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