Legal Tips and Resources

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is tasked with enforcing the nation’s workplace discrimination laws. If a worker feels that he or she has suffered as a result of a violation of these laws, that individual may file a complaint with the EEOC. If you represent a company, you may understandably be curious about what occurs when an employee files such a complaint. After all, even the most conscientious employers may occasionally misstep and/or become the subject of unwarranted action from time to time. Please note that if at any time your company does become the subject of a complaint submitted to the EEOC that you may benefit from contacting an experienced attorney with any questions you may have.

A Worker Has Filed an EEOC Complaint. Now What?

The EEOC will notify your company within 10 days if it has received a complaint from one of your workers. Your business will be provided a login to the EEOC’s online respondent portal so that you can view the details of the complaint and notices regarding any updates that have been made during the EEOC’s investigation of the claim.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding the claim, you may wish to work with your attorney in order to settle with the worker who filed the complaint. Especially if your company unintentionally “dropped the ball” and your employee suffered as a result of such a misstep, this may be a good option. Your company may even be eligible for mediation through the EEOC’s processes, which may be a good option if your company could benefit from further understanding exactly what may have taken place. It is worth noting that unfounded claims are filed from time to time. The EEOC reserves the right to investigate whether reasonable cause related to discriminatory behavior on your part exists. But such an investigation does not mean that your company has been found to have behaved in a discriminatory way, only that the EEOC would like to further look into any potential merits of the complaint. Your attorney will be able to clarify how such an investigation may affect your company if/when one occurs.

Legal Guidance Is Available

If you have questions about federal, state and/or local workplace discrimination laws, EEOC compliance, worker complaints, corporate liability or any other legal matter, please do not hesitate to connect with attorney experienced in this area of law. Even relatively small companies can experience significant consequences if they are found to be negligent, reckless or intentional in terms of discrimination and/or harassment in the workplace. A proactive decision to consult an attorney before any missteps can occur is ideal – although, it is certainly always okay to reach out if it seems that legal trouble may be on the horizon. An experienced business lawyer in Melbourne, FL can help you at every step of the pathway forward. In working with an attorney to protect both your workers and the integrity of your business, you will be wisely investing in what is most important. A law firm has extensive experience working with businesses of various sizes and areas of focus and would be happy to answer any questions you may have now and into the future. Please consider scheduling a consultation with an experienced lawyer today. 

Thanks to The Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood for their insight into business law and the EEOC.

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