Car Accident Lawyer
After being involved in a car accident, you may feel the insurance company’s offer simply won’t cut it. With the injuries, emotional damage, property damage and everything else you have to deal with, you could be looking to receive a large settlement. If you’re unsure where to start, how to file a lawsuit, how long you have or anything else regarding a car accident lawsuit, your lawyer can answer any questions. The following are a few details to give you a basic understanding to learn off of.
You’ll Need Proof
As with any other lawsuit, you’ll need proof of a few things. First, you’ll need to show a car accident took place and that the other driver failed to drive in an appropriate manner. Second, you’ll need to show you have injuries and that the car accident caused those injuries. Third, you’ll need to show there are other damages for which you deserve financial compensation. Some items that may help you provide proof include:
- Pictures of the scene, which may include the cars, the area, your injuries, weather conditions and more.
- A written document about your injuries, which could be signed by your doctor.
- A document of time you had to take off work, which would show your lost wages.
- Medical bills, both paid and unpaid.
- Other documents and bills related to your accident
You’ll Need to File As Soon As Possible
In every state, there’s something called the statute of limitations. This is a time limit that you have if you wish to file a lawsuit against someone. It is different for each type of lawsuit, and it is different for the same type of lawsuit in a different state.
For example, if you live in Maine and wish to file a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident, you’d have six years to do so, but if you wish to file a medical malpractice lawsuit, you’d only have three years. If you live just over the border from Maine in New Hampshire and are planning to file the same type of personal injury lawsuit after a car accident, you’d only have three years to do so.
An Attorney Can Assist You
There are a lot of more complex details that will need to be sorted out if you wish to file a lawsuit against the responsible party in your car accident. Contact an attorney, like a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C., to assist you today.